/*3rd October, 2012 - Updated the title to note that this post represents the integration in v8.9. The integration between Time and Labor and Absence Management has been completely revamped in v9.0.*/
Map a TRC to an Absence Management Take Code as shown in the diagram below:

Table that holds the mapping details of a TRC and an AM Take code – TL_ERNCD_TBL.
All the Absence data that will be sent to Time and Labor is stored in the record – GP_ABS_EVT_WRK.
This table is populated through peoplecode (GP_ABS_EVENT.EMPL_RCD.FieldFormula) when a manager approves absences. Note that only data in the above table is taken up by the integration program. So, ensure that all the data that is expected to be sent to Time and Labor is present in this table before running the integration program.
Note that this table is purged after the successful run of the integration program – so it is recommended to take a back up of this table before running the integration process. This table will contain all Added, Deleted and Changed absence data.
Note that this table will be populated only if the employee is active in Time and Labor and has a pay system flag of ‘GP’ in PS_JOB.
Run the ‘Retrieve Absences’ process from Time and Labor, as shown below:

This process triggers the TLAGGUPDATE AE. The main purpose of this AE is to populate the TL_ST_ELPTIME work table from the data present in GP_ABS_EVT_WRK table. This AE takes all absences present in the GP_ABS_EVT_WRK table, checks for the Event Action (whether Add, Change or Delete) and populate the TL_ST_ELPTIME table. The AE also converts the reported days of Absences into corresponding number of hours for use by Time and Labor. This is done by checking the absence days with the schedule for that particular day for the employee.
The TLAGGUPDATE AE calls the TL_AGG_SECTN AE where the insertion into TL_ST_ELPTIME table takes place.
GP_ABS_SUM_WRK and GP_ABS_DTL_WRK are two other important work tables used by the TLAGGUPDATE AE. Note that all the tables mentioned above are truncated after the process runs and the presence of data in the above tables after the run of a program is an indication that insertion into TL_RPTD_TIME has not happened.
The TLAGGUPDATE AE finally calls the TL_ST_LIB AE which transfers data from TL_ST_ELPTIME to TL_RPTD_TIME. The latter AE is triggered using the CreateProcessRequest command and thus it will run as a separate process from the TLAGGUPDATE process.
The time from Absence can be identified by looking for rows with an RT_SOURCE value of AM in TL_RPTD_TIME table.
The below screenshot depicts how the Absence Data appears on the TimeSheet:

Side Notes:
> Check for data in the GP_ABS_EVT_WRK table to estimate the rows that will be sent to Time and Labor.
> Ensure that each employee is assigned to a proper schedule and that the schedules are properly set up.
> Data is loaded into TL_ST_ELPTIME table from where it is loaded into TL_RPTD_TIME by the TL_ST_LIB AE.
> If the process has not run properly GP_ABS_WRK, GP_ABS_SUM_WRK, GP_ABS_DTL_WRK and the TL_ST_ELPTIME tables will have data.
> Check for the loaded rows in TL_RPTD_TIME by looking for a RT_SOURCE = ‘AM’.