Monday, July 4, 2016

T3: Things to note while using the "Title by Manager" field in your requisition form

So, your hiring manager raises a requisition and wants to put an internal reference for the job title. For this purpose, Oracle Talent Acquisition cloud provides a field called "Title by Manager". This field is purely used for internal reference and not posted out as the requisition title. Except, in one scenario.
Note that if the Requisition Title field is left empty and if the "Title by Manager" field has been filled up, the Requisition Title field automatically takes the values in the Title by Manager field on save. This will happen, even though Requisition Title is a mandatory field. This opens up the slight risk of the requisition title getting its value directly from title by manager, which can be undesirable at times. Do keep this constraint in mind while designing your requisition form!

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