Thursday, July 10, 2008

Time and Labor Security demystified

Security in Time and Labor is an area that needs more clarity to most new implementors. Almost every team I have consulted for has had the question 'how do I ensure that the employees reporting to a manager shows up in the manager self service pages of Time and Labor?'
This post aims at being a guide towards designing the T&L security setup.

T&L Security is primarily concerned with ensuring the correct access of reportees to managers as well as controlling the dates which are open to any employee to report time. We are more concerned with the first case here.

Security in Time and Labor is a two step process - 1. Grouping the employees reporting to a manager/HR administrator together and 2. Granting access to the correct groups to the respective managers. To group employees together T&L has a powerful feature called Dynamic groups (there is another category called static groups which are not practically used and thus does not deserve mention here) which is similar to the Group Build feature in core HRMS. A Dynamic Group constructs a group of employees based on an SQL selection criteria (for example - select emplid from ps_job where reports_to = ) and is thus truly dynamic. The Dynamic Group once created has to be refreshed on a daily basis to ensure that the group includes all eligible employees.
The illustration below shows how a dynamic group can be created by defining the appropriate SQL eligibility criteria.

After the group has been created, the next step is to assign this group to those managers/administrators who need access to the same. Access in Time and Labor is controlled by an Operator's ROWSECCLASS. So the groups will have to be linked to the eligible ROWSECCLASSES to enable access for managers to their reportee's data. The illustration below shows how a group can be linked to a ROWSECCLASS. Keep in mind that one group can be linked to multiple ROWSECCLASSES and one ROWSECCLASS can be linked to multiple groups.

Now coming to the important question - how does a manager get access to employees under him? Let's just look at the below process flow for that:

1. Manager logs in with his/her Operatorid.
2. The ROWSECCLASS of this Operator is fetched from PSOPRDEFN.
3. The TL_GRP_SECURITY table is queried to get all the groups that this ROWSECCLASS has access to.
4. The TL_GROUP_DTL table is queried to get all the EMPLIDs part of each group fetched in step 3.
5. The employees fetched are displayed on the MSS pages.

This is an extremely simplified definition of what actually goes behind the scenes when the system tries to retrieve the employees in a T&L MSS page. So to ensure that a manager has access to his reportees ensure the following:
a. All the reportees are part of atleast one Dynamic Group. Query TL_GROUP_DTL to get the groups of an employee.
b. The manager/administrator has access to those groups. Query TL_GRP_SECURITY to get all the groups that a particular ROWSECCLASS has access to.
c. Schedule the Dynamic Group Refresh process on a nightly basis to ensure that the dynamic groups are up to date.

Caveat: The above process requires the creation of a large number of ROWSECCLASSES and Dynamic Groups to maintain exclusivity of employee access to managers. Organisations that follow the above approach will need to custom create a program thatwill create new ROWSECCLASSES when a new manager is hired and programatically create dynamic group and assign security to that dynamic group for the new ROWSECCLASS created. This complex process can be circumvented by customising the code behind the 'Get Employees' button present in all T&L MSS Employee Search pages. The approach would be to create a single Dynamic Group and enroll all employee in the same and give access to all managers/administrators for that single group. Customize the Peoplecode behind the Get Employees button to fetch only those reporting to the manager from the entire set fetched by the vanilla logic explained above. The customisation has to be done in FUNCLIB_TL_CP.MGR_SS_FUNC.FieldFormula event.

T&L security design is an area where we see lot of questions being raised, especially considering the integration of AWE in v9.1. If you have specific questions on this, reach out to me @


  1. Very Good info!! Thanks for posting... One question- If I am not using T&L groups, security is inherited from department security. So if we decide to customize the code on Get Employees button then do I need to create a dynamic group? Or can I customize the code without using dynamic code?

  2. Very Good info!! Thanks for posting... One question- If I am not using T&L groups, security is inherited from department security. So if we decide to customize the code on Get Employees button then do I need to create a dynamic group? Or can I customize the code without using dynamic code?

  3. @psofttech - thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.

    @coolps - you can customise the code in the Get Employees button even if you are using Dept. Security...if you check out the code you will see that different criteria is built depending on whether dept. or t&l security is used.

  4. Really wonderful.
    I am pleased to understand TL sec. its now so clear to me.

    Ratan, New Zealand.

  5. thankSSS a trillion...for really demystifying the T&L security,much grateful to you for explaining it so clearly & simply.It will be great if you can answer my following question. Assuming that 'T&L security' is already implemented (based on the dynamic groups)and further if the business requirement comes in a way that certain managers need to have additional access (over & above the T&L security access) to employees in specific departments, then 'Departmental security' also can work along with their 'T&L security'?. To summarize, can a combination of 'T&L security and Departmental Security' be implemented?
